Live Data Feeds

AllSkyPi Camera feed

The All Sky camera

The All sky camera is a dedicated Raspberry Pi powered All Sky camera with Pi HQ camera. You can opt to build your own system or purchase one from

Click AllSkyData to see a larger view and for historic data archives. For details how to make your own allsky cam please visit the link, AllSkyCam Build.

SpectrumLab feed

Live Radio Meter Detection

Using an RTL-SDR dongle, my setup monitors the GRAVES radar—a French space surveillance system.

💡 How It Works: When a meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere and passes through the GRAVES radar beam, it reflects radio waves, creating a detectable signal—even in cloudy weather or daylight. These signals appear as distinctive meteor traces on the radio spectrum.

📊 Real-Time Detection: The spectrum image on this page shows detected meteors in action. Although sometimes there is interference lines that cause false detections. Sometimes you can also pick up aircraft and space junk too.

Want to set up your own radio meteor detection? Stay tuned for a detailed DIY guide coming soon!

SpectrumLab feed

Monthly meteor counts

The collective data for the month of radio meteor detections from the GRAVES radar is collated by the Radio Meteor Bulletin. Observers across the globe feed their data into the RMOB to allow analysis and comparison. Whilst the numbers are dwindling over the years, the information gathered is still used for meteor research. Click the link below to visit the RMOB site.


Aurora Camera

Currently in test phase as I trial out cameras and set ups for a northerly view of the Aurora from North Wales.