Category: How To Guides
Video Meteor Cam
At Black Cat we currently only have 1 camera set up to feed into the UKMON and GMN networks. We operate under Rhos_a UK001M. The camera is posistioned in a SW (220 degree) and the Google earth shots below show the area of coverage for the UK001M. We cover a portion of Wales and into…
Radio Meteor Detection
Meteors that enter the atmosphere have ionisation trails of excited molecules that we observe as bright streaks. Those ionised areas are more reflective to radio waves and it is this characteristic that can be used to detect a meteor at any time of day. Using radio these meteors can be broadcast as distinct and unique audible pings.…
Setting Up a Home Radio Meteor Detector
Introduction Radio meteor detection relies on the ionized trails left by meteors as they enter the atmosphere. These trails reflect radio waves, allowing us to detect meteors at any time of day. The forward-scatter method is commonly used, where a transmitter’s signal is reflected forward to a distant receiver. This document outlines the steps to…